Our Students
OCAC Suzhou Students
The ideal student for OCAC Suzhou is hard-working, has a balanced lifestyle and is resilient. The Learner Profile attributes, displayed at the bottom of this page, describe the characteristics of a successful IB student in any of our programmes – the PYP, MYP, and the DP. Furthermore, OCAC Suzhou aims to welcome students who will make full use of the opportunities provided by the school and who are in accordance with the school’s mission and vision. The purpose is to ensure that the students will benefit from studying at OCAC Suzhou.
Our student cohort is forward-thinking, innovative, proactive, and caring. In the last two years, student-initiated programmes have become a part of our culture and community. From our recycling programme to community outreach, to working across the grade levels, and student-led CCAs, student agency and action are at the forefront of our culture.
For those who wish to join an internationally-minded community who emphasize the importance of Chinese Origins, look no further than OCAC Suzhou. We will be here to guide you to become the next cohort of forward-thinking OCAC Suzhou students.