
亲爱的家长Dear Parents,

根据运营成本情况和市场调剂原则,学校决定,自2023年秋季招生起,将我校国际高中学段(G10、G11、G12)学费标准调整为90,000元/学期·生。Based on our current operating costs and in alignment with the principle of market economy, the school has decided to reset the tuition of our international high school division (G10, G11, G12) to RMB 90,000/semester per student. This adjustment will be effective from Semester I of the 2023-24 school year, and will be applicable to all new students enrolled since autumn this year.

按照“新生新办法、老生老办法”的原则,我校在校生中,G9新升入G10的所有学生均为高中部新生,高中部续读G10、升入G11和G12的在校生均为老生,2023-2024学年具体收费标准如下:For current OCAC Suzhou students, all new G10 students (currently in G9) will comply with our NEW tuition rate, while current G10 and G11 students who are continuing G10 in the next school year, or who are moving up to G11 and G12 will comply with the OLD tuition rate, as follows:

规 定 性 收 费 Standard Tuition

收费项目 Item

学期收费标准 Semester Amount

备注 Notes

高中(G10)High School(G10)


已报备 Submitted

高中(G11)High School(G11)


已报备 Submitted

高中(G12)High School(G12)


已报备 Submitted

住宿费(四人间)Boarding Programme(Quad Rooms)



代 办 性 收 费 Fees Collected


学期收费标准 Semester Amount

备注 Notes

高中 High School


IB materials, information service, field trips, etc.

一次性收费 One-time Fee

新生入学押金8000元(押金主要用于学生在校期间可能的欠费项目,在学生离校并结清所有应付款项后退还给学生)Newly enrolled students must pay  RMB 8000 as the deposit. (The deposit is for any future arrears. It will be refunded after all payable fees are paid before the student withdrawal.)

本校G9新升入G10的学生在2023年6月30日之前完成缴费的,2023-2024学年的学费将按84000元/学期收取。自2023年6月12日起,可通过扫描如下二维码输入学号进行缴费;或备注学生姓名和学号,转账至如下账户进行缴费。Our current G9 students who move up to G10 will be charged a reduced tuition fee of RMB 84,000 per semester for the 2023-2024 school year if the payment is completed by June 30, 2023. Starting from June 12, 2023, you can make payment by scanning the QR code below and entering the student number; or make a note of the student name and student number and transfer to the following account for payment.


账户名  苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校

开户行  招商银行股份有限公司苏州方洲路支行

账号    512906384510701    


          苏州工业园区海归人才子女学校OCAC Suzhou

          2023年6月12日June 12th, 2023