Welcome to Primary
Our diverse and compassionate staff provide the ideal learning environment for students to explore their passions, develop holistically, and achieve their goals. In the classroom, we employ a dual-language and inquiry-based approach that aims to develop international-mindedness and a deep understanding and appreciation for Chinese education. Our curriculum follows the Chinese National Curriculum, and the teaching and learning in the classroom models the IB Primary Years Programme inquiry-based approach. As an IB school, we nurture our students to inquire, think independently, and take ownership of their learning. The rigorous academic standards of our school programme develop confident and knowledgeable students who are well-prepared for their transition to the MYP and beyond.
As the Head of Primary, I’m privileged to serve OCAC students in their primary years. Professionally I am thrilled to be at OCAC, a school that in many aspects is at the forefront of Chinese international education. I am very excited about the implementation of the integration of PYP & CNC and its transformational effect on student learning.
I’m aiming to lead the team to create an impact and define the integrated curriculum model not only for China but also for the Asia Pacific region.

Through my love and enthusiasm for educational ideals rooted in Chinese origins, I have invested significantly in the integration of curriculum having been involved in the IB Program for around 10 years.
It is an honor to participate as an educator with the lovely students of OCAC. Likewise, it is delightful to be empowered as a lifelong learner in OCAC.
In the future, I would like to continue my close cooperation with the entire learning community of OCAC to cultivate talents and contribute to the realization of modern education with Chinese characteristics and international standards.